It's Not The Perfect Time...

online business May 21, 2024
I Want To Start A Business But It's Not The Perfect Time

There's never a "perfect" time to start a business.


It. Doesn't. Exist.

Heck, when we started ours, we had $200 in our joint bank account, 3 battered tins of baked beans in the van, and a housesit sorted for the next week (we hoped).

And, for some reason, we thought to ourselves, “We should start a new business!”

Kinda counterintuitive, right?

(Only if you listen to people who give you advice from the sidelines.)

The thing is…

We ONLY take advice from people in the arena. βš”οΈ

And those people were telling us,

“You guys will crush this!”

“This business is perfect for you!”

“Don’t start yet, the timing’s not right!”

“What’s the worst that could happen?”

“What’s the BEST that could happen?”

Our answer to that last question gave us everything we needed to stop thinking and take action. ☝️

Which changed our lives forever.

Now, I know that sounds corny. 🌽

But it’s true.

That small shift from fearing → dreaming saw us very quickly go from “beans on toast housesitting life” to “going out for brunch and renting a $900 a week homestead with a pool life”. πŸ–οΈ

You say you want to start a business at the “right time”, but you’re just afraid of leaping into the unknown.

We slayed that fear by minimising our risk.

When starting a business, ideally you want to:

  • quit your job and sink $100K of your own savings into an untested idea
  • trial your idea before going all in (or plug into a tried and tested model like ours)
  • use other people’s money to get started (we’ll show you how)
  • start the business on the side while working your job (if you have one)

Do that for a couple years and if it’s working, quit your job.

If not, scratch it.

What’s the BEST that could happen?

You tell us… 😎🌀️

The “downside” of business is you might feel like the “awkward new kid” for a while. πŸ€“

The upside is infinite. ♾️

There will always be impostor syndrome.

Tomorrow you always think you'll be “more prepared”.

That “perfect” time you’ve been waiting for will never come.

So, when should you start your business?

Now. Go.

Just click this link.

While you do that, we’ll be over here deleting all our food pics from the "beans on toast" era so we can try and pretend they never happened. πŸ₯«πŸž

Aimee + Brendan

πŸ–οΈΒ πŸ–οΈΒ πŸ–οΈ

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