I Paid Lots For My University Degree...

mindset online business May 15, 2024

Yes, we get it…

You (or your parents/grandparents) paid good money for that university degree and you don’t want to “waste” it.

But if all the degree did was:

  • leave you with a stack of debt,
  • pay for you to eat pizza and play beer pong, and
  • land you in a job that’s about as exciting as being a bouncer at a cemetery 🪦

…what is the point of hanging in there? 😑

The money’s long gone.*

*unless you still have a HECS debt or student loan. In that case it still haunts you. 👻

Be real: Is working at your job for another year or twenty going to bring the $$$ back?

Imagine this:

You’re watching a movie, and after 30 minutes you realise it actually kinda sucks. 👎

Instead of finding another, you soldier on, telling yourself, “I’ve already spent half an hour. The whole thing is ‘just’ 90 minutes, and I don’t want to ‘waste’ that first (mediocre) 30 minutes.”

Now apply that same thinking to your LIFE.

Will your future self be pleased with you for “not wasting your degree”?

Or will future you be peeved that you valued your time on this earth so little that you slowly killed your soul to “save” money that was already spent? 🤔

Fun fact: NO ONE on their deathbed looks back at their life and regrets living full-out and quitting a dead-end job just because they spent lots of $$ on their degree.

In fact, the TOP regret of the dying is:

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Here’s your permission to do that.

🎓 How about another perspective on that degree?

Consider this:

It got you this far. And now, like CNN, it has outlived its usefulness because you’re moving onto greener pastures.

Sure, it may have cost you up to $100K.

But what if you could tap into a business model that allowed you to scale to earning that $100K per month (like Balazs, Kristie, Samara, Kyliee, Bek, and countless others have)? 🤑


You could start replacing your current income in the pockets of your time while you transitioned?

(Bet you didn’t think it was possible, did you?)

Well, it is. 🦄

You’ve got online options that help you stop 🛑 trading time for money and answering to a boss…

…and start earning while you bounce at cemeteries sleep, to design a life that makes you excited to get out of bed.

Will you still be worried about your degree THEN?

Didn’t think so. 🙌

Discover how we’re helping people divorce their degrees with our FREE training below.

Brendan + Aimee

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